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Other digitized materials

SweCarCol has made other digital materials available which, for different reasons, is not available through the search interface.

Fonds suédois de Saint Barthélemy microfilms

Parts of Fonds suédois de Saint Barthélemy were microfilmed during the 1960s and 1970s.  A few additional microfilms were produced during the 1980s. The scanned microfilms are available in pdf format via ALVIN, where the holdings are described in more detail. The quality of the microfilms varies, and in many cases the order of the documents does not match the one found by the project group during the digitization of Fonds Suédois de Saint Barthélemy during the 2010s. Therefore, the microfilms are a record of how the documents were ordered when they were initially photographed. There are archival inventories of the microfilms from the Swedish National Archives and from Archives Nationales d'outre-mer.

The Report of St. Bartholomew

An important source for the history of St. Barthélemy is the colony's newspaper, The Report of St. Bartholomew. It was printed in Gustavia with varying frequency between 1804 and 1819. Instead of including the newspaper in the digital holdings of SweCarCol, the project financed its digitization in the Swedish Royal Library's service, Swedish newspapers. You can access the newspaper here. If you are interested in the history of the newspaper and the printing business in Gustavia, see this article.